7cb1d79195 Teddy sets off to Leekee Lake to deliver his gift to the hermit. Grubby and Gimmick offer to join Teddy but the illiop wants to take this journey on his own. At Tweeg's tower, the Bounders go on strike for the four years' worth of back pay owed to them. Tweeg explains that his mother is his only source of income. LB reluctantly offers to go to Eleanor's and beg for an advance on Tweeg's allowance in order to pay him and the other Bounders. At M.AV.O., Quellor gives his henchmen an ultimatum: bring back Tweeg, or become victims of his Black Box. The Understander of Legends call on Drudge, Sludge, and Trudge to help her overthrow Quellor and in the end succeeds. Teddy rescues the crying for help LB from drowning into the river.
alphoxesig Admin replied
335 weeks ago